TYPO3 Upgrade, Update, & Migration

TYPO3 Upgrade


If your website is still running on an outdated TYPO3 Version 9, 8, 7, or even 6 (Really??), it will be more at risk of crashes, hacking, and even data theft in the future. Updating to the latest version of TYPO3 is important for security updates, bug fixes and new features.

The customers are rely on their websites to be secure, up-to-date, and functioning at their best. That's where our TYPO3 Update Service comes in! Our team understands the challenges the digital agencies face in updating the websites, it's a critical, complex and time consuming process, Therefor, We are here to assist with your TYPO3 upgrade project. 

Mazimize Security

Security Protection

Outdated versions of TYPO3 increase risk of attacks and threats to security breaches. Keeping your TYPO3 Website up-to-date is the single most effective way to minimize security risks and protect your website from malicious attacks.

Power and Performance

Greater Power, 
Greater Performance

Updated TYPO3 system offers better usability for editors and administrators, quicker page loading, SEO benefits, and improved content delivery. It also introduces new tools and extensions to enhance your website's functionality and ease of use.


Enhanced GDPR 
Compliance Measures

As per GDPR Article 32, website owners are obligated to employ secure technical software to protect personal data. Failure to update outdated software or address security vulnerabilities may result in fines. The latest TYPO3 version completes this requirement.




  • TYPO3 Compatibility Report
  • Project Proposal
  • Kick-off & Planning
  • Backup of TYPO3 Instance


TYPO3 Upgrade

  • Start TYPO3 Upgrade
  • Migration of Extensions
  • Using TYPO3 Rector
  • Scan TYPO3 Extensions


Reports & Delivery

  • Technical Standard Report (TSR)
  • Upgrade Checklist Report (UCR)
  • Quality Score Report (QSR)
  • Go-live & Support

Roadmap of TYPO3 LTS Versions


  • We are TYPO3 Award Winner, reliable partner for TYPO3 Upgrades 
  • Proud Gold Member of the TYPO3 Association
  • 13 Years of experience in developing TYPO3 projects
  • Over 100 TYPO3 projects have been updated in the last decade and still continue to grow
  • Our TYPO3 Developer upgrades the website with almost zero downtime to avoid impacting current daily visitors
  • A team of 20+ TYPO3 Developers to take care of every aspect of the website upgrade 
  • ns_ext_compatibility - We developed a very popular  extension to generate a compatibility report 
  • TYPO3 Rector - To accelerate the TYPO3 upgrade, we utilize a widely-used TYPO3 rector to fix deprecated code and address any changes
  • We assure 1:1 Copy of website before and after the upgrade
  • Monitor your website's health and performance even after updates are implemented
Download Kit


Upgrading and updating TYPO3 can be tricky and risky. It's important to do it carefully to avoid messing up your website's data, security, or how it looks.

We've created a free TYPO3 Upgrade Kit to make this process easier for TYPO3 Lovers. This kit includes step-by-step instructions and checklists to help you upgrade your TYPO3 website to latest version, ensuring a stable and secure site.


Don’t know your TYPO3 version
Check it here and take action

Your TYPO3 Version: 12.5

Congratulations, your TYPO3 system is up to date with version 12! We would be happy to take over the maintenance and installation of regular system and security updates for you. Contact us now for a non-binding and individual offer!

Your TYPO3 Version:

With TYPO3 version 11 you still have some time until support ends at the end of October 2024. Nevertheless, we recommend upgrading to the latest version 12 to keep your system up to date. You will also benefit from the latest TYPO3 functions. We would be happy to check your system for the possibility of an upgrade. Contact us now for a non-binding and individual offer!

You don't have a TYPO3 system or we can't identify your version. Contact us for an individual review of your system and a non-binding initial consultation on your TYPO3 upgrade. The upgrade is particularly critical for TYPO3 systems that are older than version 8, as the lack of further development and support can lead to acute security gaps. Let's plan your next upgrade together!

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Choose between
Upgrade & Relaunch




Your current version is relatively close to the latest stable version
Want to benefit from the latest security patches, performance improvements, and bug fixes.
Happy with the website's design and functionality and just need to ensure it stays up-to-date
To Improve Coding Standards and Eliminate Code deprecation
Current TYPO3 version is very old (e.g., TYPO3 v8 or earlier) and upgrading directly to the latest version
Want a complete renovation of the website's design, branding, and functionality.
Website's performance is poor, or it's not mobile-friendly
Need to implement new features that aren't achievable with the current version.
The elements/extensions with older versions are not compatible anymore
PHP version is no more compatible with the current TYPO3 version
Daniel Weimann

Daniel Weimann

CEO - Zehrwert Webagentur

NITSAN and its team are experts in the area of TYPO3. Phenomenal communication, great level of skill and responsiveness. If you are looking for a solution-oriented company that pairs skills with fast response time you shouldn't look any further, give NITSAN a try. I am sure they won't disappoint you.

I wish all the best, to a great ongoing future together. 5 stars all the way!


Website Analysis: We'll need to analyze your website to estimate the effort involved in a TYPO3 upgrade. Sharing the credentials information with us will help us give you a precise quote.

Current TYPO3 Version: Knowing your current version helps determine the upgrade path and potential challenges.

Installed TYPO3 Extensions: The number and type of extensions you have can significantly impact the upgrade complexity. Some extensions might be compatible with the new version, while others might require updates or replacements.

Number of Custom Extensions: Custom extensions pose a bigger challenge during upgrades. They may need to be rewritten or adjusted to function with the new TYPO3 version.

Templating Methods: How your website's templates are coded (e.g., Automaketemplate vs Extbase/Fluid) can impact the upgrade process.

There are two main types of TYPO3 updates:
Minor updates: These are small updates that typically include security patches and bug fixes.
Major upgrades: These are larger updates that introduce new features and functionality. Major upgrades may require more extensive testing and configuration changes.

We have an agile and systematic TYPO3 upgrade process. It includes 8 steps:

1. TYPO3 upgrade consultation and technical analysis
2. Organizing for TYPO3 minor upgrades
3. Conducting TYPO3 core update
4. Upgrading TYPO3 update extension
5. Adapting the TYPO3 template
6. Performing QC/QA testing
7. Optimizing Performance
8. Launching and Releasing

Please contact us to Book Free Consultation.

Yes, our TYPO3 Update Service prioritizes data security and offers a zero data loss guarantee. We practise advanced backup and migration techniques to safeguard your website's content, configurations, and customizations throughout the upgrade process.

We perform a meticulous 1:1 comparison of your client's website before and after the update. This ensures all content, functionality, and layout remain identical.

The cost of a managed TYPO3 update service will vary depending on the size and complexity of your website, as well as the level of service you need.

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