TYPO3 v13.1 is here | Must-Know Features of v13.1

TYPO3 v13.1 is here | Must-Know Features of v13.1

TYPO3 v13.1 is released on 23rd, April, 2024. TYPO3 v13.1 is released after the second sprint release of the v13 series.

TYPO3 v13.1—The Surfer’s Starterkit

As we all know the motive for the TYPO3 v13 release series is to reduce repetitive and boring tasks and remove complexity for administrators, TYPO3 developers and TYPO3 editors. With the release of TYPO3 v13.1 it is clear that developing and managing websites with TYPO3 is getting simpler, faster, and more user-friendly.

Now develop and reuse settings for different parts of the website and extensions. This makes things easier because there's a new feature called the TypoScript content object which lets you build Fluid-based frontend pages quickly by following set rules instead of needing lots of custom settings.

Let's check out the biggest changes in the new update. For more details, you can look at the v13 changelog.

TYPO3 v13.1: What's new?

Let’s take a look at key Changes in TYPO3 Version 13.1.

Site Sets:

Imagine you're building multiple websites, and each one needs similar settings for things like layout, menus, and user permissions. In the past, you would have to configure these settings individually for each website.

Consolidate configurations: In the latest release of TYPO3 v13.1 introduced a new way to organize settings "Site Sets" These sets allow you to group predefined configurations, even multiple ones, into a single extension. You can then easily include this extension on your website to apply the configurations.

Once you have a Site Set, you can apply it to any website you build. This saves you time and ensures consistency across your websites.

Essentially, Site Sets are a way to simplify website configuration by allowing you to create reusable sets of settings.

Frontend Page Rendering

In simpler terms, most TYPO3 websites use Fluid templates to display content on the web. A new feature in TYPO3 v13.1, called the PAGEVIEW content object, makes it easier for developers to write code.

This PAGEVIEW object automatically creates a full webpage by finding the right template and layout. It also includes helpful information by default, like the site language and details about the page itself.

While PAGEVIEW isn't as complex as another option called FLUIDTEMPLATE, it's a good choice for websites that don't need a lot of customization.

Reactive Page Tree

This tool is very important for people who manage the site backend. It shows how all the pages on the website are connected (like a family tree for the website). One can use it to do things like manage files, pick categories, and move around the backend easily.

TYPO3 version 13.1 makes this much better and more up-to-date. It's built with the latest web standards which makes it easier and faster to use. Here are some of the improvements:

  • You can now drag and drop pages around to change their order.
  • The system for connecting to other programs (APIs) is improved.
  • Scrolling through a large list of pages is smoother.
  • You can choose between a light or dark colored view, and set the writing direction (left to right or right to left).

For TYPO3 developers and Integrators: There are new ways to mark specific pages in the organizer with labels or colors. You can also add even more information to each page, like its status, importance level, and small pictures.

Save Time in TYPO3 v13.1 with the New "Save and Close" Hotkey!

Ever wished for a quicker way to save your work and jump to the next task in TYPO3? TYPO3 v13.1 introduces the highly requested "Save and Close" hotkey.

Simply press Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + S on your keyboard to save your changes and close the current document. This streamlined workflow lets you focus on what matters most –  getting things done!

Flexible Database Access in TYPO3 v13.1

TYPO3 Doctrine DBAL (database abstraction layer) to communicate with various databases. This eliminates the need for developers to look into the specifics of the database system. A unified interface ensures consistent interaction regardless of the actual database in use.

TYPO3's ExpressionBuilder plays a crucial role in dynamically constructing SQL query components. Based on Doctrine DBAL's ExpressionBuilder, it previously offered a limited set of expressions.

TYPO3 v13.1 introduces a range of new expression methods that helps developers to build more advanced database queries. These methods include concat(), castVarchar(), castInt(), leftPad(), and rightPad(), among others.

To explore the comprehensive list of new expressions and their usage, refer to the changelog entry.

Additional Languages Introduced in v13.1

Great news for multilingual TYPO3 users! The backend interface now welcomes three new languages: Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, and Maltese.

  • Expanded Language Support: TYPO3 can now be administered in Scottish Gaelic (gd), Irish Gaelic (ga), and Maltese (mt), catering to a wider global audience.
  • Simplified Localization: Download translated backend labels from the TYPO3 translation server or CrowdIn for these languages, streamlining the localization process for your Gaelic or Maltese websites.
  • Multilingual Backends: Seamlessly switch the TYPO3 backend interface to your preferred language among the newly added options.
  • Multilingual Site Configurations: Manage multilingual websites with greater ease by incorporating these languages into your site configurations.

System Requirements, Support, and Maintenance

TYPO3 v13 runs on PHP version 8.2 or later. This version is supported with security updates until December 2025.

TYPO3 Version

Bug Fixes

Security Patches


Next minor version



Next minor version



Next minor version



Next minor version


v13 LTS (v13.4)

April 30, 2026

October 31, 2027

What's next in TYPO3 v13?

Mark your calendars! The next exciting update on the TYPO3 Community roadmap is TYPO3 version 13.2, arriving on July 2nd, 2024. This focused sprint release introduces a best feature: content blocks. Get ready for a whole new way to build, manage, and edit your content elements!

TYPO3 v13.1: Forward to secure and user-friendly CMS

More than just an update, TYPO3 v13.1 represents a significant advancement towards a secure and user-friendly CMS. This release unlocks new opportunities and challenges for TYPO3 developers, agencies, and everyone working with TYPO3 integrations.

What's your favorite feature? Share in the comments below!

Source: TYPO3 v13.1—The Surfer’s Starterkit

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