51+ Quick Handy TYPO3 Maintenance Tips!

If you are looking for tips on how to maintain your TYPO3 website, then this blog short blog offers you a a quick checklist solution to all your TYPO3 website maintenance problems. This guide consists of 51 effective TYPO3 Maintenance tips that will help you to optimize TYPO3 website for both search engines as well as users.

51+ Quick Handy TYPO3 Maintenance Tips!

Table of content

We recommend bookmarking the blog and following this TYPO3 maintenance checkilst to ensure better TYPO3 speed and performance of your website! So let's start!

1. Upgrade TYPO3 to the Latest Version
2. Upgrade PHP to the Latest Compatible Version
3. Update Your TYPO3 Extensions
4. Update Your TYPO3 Templates
5. Check Web Host Statistics
6. Renew Hosting & Domains
7. Perform TYPO3 Code & Database Backup
8. Change Your Passwords
9. Remove Inactive Website Administrators

10. Perform and ensure TYPO3 Speed Audit
11. Run Site Through web and SEO audit
12. Website TYPO3 Security Monitoring
13. Review Google Analytics
14. Check Google Console (Webmaster) Tools

14. Delete Unwanted TYPO3 Extensions
15. Delete Unwanted TYPO3 Templates
16. Update/Delete unused pages
17. Clear Cache 
18. Media Files Clean up

19. Check Resources Used
20. Optimise Database Tables
21. Images Optimisation
22. Malware Scanning
23. Disable the Debug Mode
24. Define Auto Save Interval
25. Increase Memory Limit
26. Disable Trackbacks and Pingbacks

27. Validating Your Website 
28. Test Browser & Device Compatibility 
29. Check Your Site's Navigation 
30. Check Email Opt-in and Contact Forms Functionality 
31. Check for Broken Links 
32. 301 Redirect for Broken Links 
33. Check Sidebar Links and Blogs

34. Review On-Page-SEO
35. Review Meta title & Meta description tags
36. Update Your Content in concern to SEO
37. Check, review and update backlinks
38. Optimize URL to speaking URLs

39. Update/Modify obsolete pages
40. Review Your About Us Page
41. Refresh Header Banner and Site Images
42. Blog Posting Maintenance
43. Check Your Site's Feeds
44. Check Reference or Affiliate Links
45. Check Adsense Ads on Your Website
46. Update Copyright date in Your Footer
47. Check Your Download Links
48. Check Social Media Links
49. Remove Drafts & Post Revisions
50. Reply to Comments
51. Delete Spam Comments

Wrap Up!

While installing TYPO3 is easy, TYPO3 Maintenance can be a challenge, however, if you can't make time maintaining your TYPO3 website let NITSAN Make Your Life Easier! Our TYPO3 Experts Fully Manage, Protect And Enhance Your Website by our TYPO3 Maintenance Service as it is very important to take care of smooth functioning of your TYPO3 website by all means.

This TYPO3 website maintenance checklist encompasses all the tips that you need to keep your TYPO3 site up-to-date and robust. We wish it would be a helpful source to you!

Happy TYPO3 Maintenance!

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