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Welcome to the NITSAN'S Insider Scoop, where we bring you the latest updates and insider scoops on TYPO3, the popular open-source content management system.
In this edition, we delve into the happenings of April 2023 and share some exciting news and developments in the TYPO3 community. From new releases to upcoming events and noteworthy contributions, we've got it all covered. Whether you're a seasoned TYPO3 developer or just starting out, this blog is for you. So, sit back and enjoy the TYPO3 insider scoop for April 2023!
TYPO3 Seminar at Civil Society Partnerships
It highlights a seminar on locally-led development in civil society partnerships, attended by representatives from the TYPO3 community. The seminar discussed the importance of empowering local communities in development efforts and emphasized the need for collaborative partnerships between civil society organizations, local governments, and private sector entities. The attendees also shared their experiences and insights on how TYPO3, an open-source content management system, can be used to support development initiatives and enhance the online presence of civil society organizations. The article concludes by emphasizing the role of technology and digital platforms in advancing development goals and fostering community engagement.
TYPO3 v10 End of Free Support Announcement
It highlights the end of free support for TYPO3 version 10, which is set to occur on April 30, 2023. After this date, TYPO3 version 10 will no longer receive security updates or bug fixes, making it vulnerable to potential security risks. Users are encouraged to upgrade to TYPO3 version 11 or newer, which will continue to receive support and updates. The article provides information and resources for users to help them make the transition to the newer versions of TYPO3.
TYPO3 11.5.26 and 10.4.37 Maintenance Releases Published
The article talks about the release of two maintenance updates, TYPO3 v11.5.26 and v10.4.37, for the TYPO3 content management system. These updates include bug fixes, security enhancements, and improvements to the overall stability and performance of the system. TYPO3 v11.5.26 is a long-term support release and v10.4.37 is the last release of TYPO3 v10 LTS series. The article also highlights the importance of keeping TYPO3 installations up to date and provides links to download the latest versions.
TYPO3 v12 LTS Release Parties
The article on TYPO3's blog discusses the release ofTYPO3 v12 LTS and how the TYPO3 community is celebrating its launch with release parties around the world. The blog post provides an overview of the key features and improvements in TYPO3 v12 LTS, such as a more modern and streamlined user interface, improved security, and enhanced performance. It also highlights the importance of the LTS release and how it provides stability and support for TYPO3 users. The blog post then goes on to showcase some of the upcoming release parties, where TYPO3 enthusiasts can gather to learn more about the new release and connect with other members of the community.
Celebrated TYPO3 v12: Release Party at NITSAN
Team NITSAN celebrated release party of TYPO3 v12 LTS ! It was a combination of both fun and learn - A workshop on latest features of TYPO3 V12 followed by celebration in Indian Style with cake cutting and Garba!
T3CON 2023: Connect, Collaborate, and Celebrate at TYPO3 Conference
It highlights the upcoming TYPO3 Conference (T3CON) 2023, which is scheduled to take place in Dresden, Germany from September 27-29, 2023. The conference is expected to bring together developers, marketers, decision-makers, and TYPO3 enthusiasts from around the world to connect, collaborate, and celebrate the latest advancements in the TYPO3 ecosystem.
The diverse range of topics that will be covered during the conference, includes web development, digital marketing, e-commerce, and TYPO3 extensions. It also emphasizes the importance of networking opportunities and knowledge sharing that T3CON provides.
The article encourages TYPO3 community members to attend the conference and also offers information on sponsorship and speaking opportunities for those who wish to get involved in the event. Overall, the article aims to generate excitement for T3CON 2023 and promote participation in this dynamic and engaging TYPO3 event.
Being TYPO3 at Everything Open in Melbourne
It talks about the experience of the TYPO3 team at the Everything Open conference held in Melbourne, Australia. The TYPO3 team shared their knowledge and experience with the attendees of the conference, which included developers, business owners, and IT professionals. They presented the features and benefits of TYPO3 CMS and highlighted how it is a powerful solution for businesses of all sizes. The article also sheds light on the community-driven approach of TYPO3 and how it benefits both developers and users. Overall, the article showcases TYPO3's commitment to promoting open source technologies and building meaningful relationships within the tech community.
TYPO3 v12 LTS—Here To Save The Day
The release of TYPO3 v12 LTS (Long Term Support), which is a significant milestone for the TYPO3 community. The new version offers enhanced performance, security, and stability features, making it a valuable asset for businesses and organizations looking to build and maintain large-scale websites.
The article highlights some of the key features of TYPO3 v12 LTS, such as faster rendering of pages, support for modern web technologies, and improved accessibility. The release also includes updates to the CMS's core code, making it easier for developers to work with and customize.
Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of TYPO3 v12 LTS for businesses and organizations that rely on TYPO3 for their website needs. With its improved performance and stability, TYPO3 v12 LTS is positioned to provide a reliable and scalable solution for large-scale web projects.
TYPO3 community continues to thrive, with new releases, events, and contributions driving innovation and growth. At NITSAN, we are committed to keeping you up-to-date with the latest happenings in the TYPO3 world and providing you with valuable resources and insights. Stay Tuned!

Contact for SMEs, government organizations and BITV 2.0
Stefan Reinhardt
Service Partner - Germany
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