Inside TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 in Karlsruhe

The most awaited event in the TYPO3 community, commenced with excitement in Karlsruhe, Germany. Here are some of the precious and memorable moments from TYPO3 developer days 2023.

Inside TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 in Karlsruhe

This Year NITSAN Technologies was not able to participate in #T3DD23 , but NITSAN is always bring something new for typo3 enthusiastic. 

Similar to the two preceding editions, this year's Developer Days hosted at the GenoHotel in Karlsruhe. This marked the biggest Developer Days in Karlsruhe yet, with even some of the 350+ attendees are visited #T3DD23. Despite the bustling conference area, ample room was available for fruitful discussions and collaborative work on various subjects.

Recap of Benni Mack and Daniel Fau's Inspiring Keynote

The much-anticipated TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 kicked off in style with an enlightening keynote by Benni Mack and Daniel Fau. With their deep insights and unparalleled expertise, Benni Mack and Daniel Fau delved into the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in the world of TYPO3 development.

Session on Sentry & TYPO3 Performance Monitoring by Sussane Moog

In her session, Moog offered attendees a comprehensive look into the intricacies of Sentry, an indispensable tool for developers to proactively identify, monitor, and troubleshoot errors within their TYPO3 applications.

From understanding how to effectively set up error tracking to harnessing Sentry's capabilities for proactive performance optimization, Moog's expertise shone through as she demystified complex concepts and provided actionable strategies.

TYPO3 v12's Hidden Marvels

In a captivating presentation by Oliver Bartsch, TYPO3 enthusiasts were introduced to an in-depth exploration of the "TYPO New API" in TYPO3 v12.These subtle yet powerful additions stand ready to elevate everyday experiences for TYPO3 developers and users alike.

Throughout his talk, Bartsch delved into six distinct backend modules that have been seamlessly integrated into the TYPO New API framework. after , Bartsch went on to uncover the addition of ten new TCA (Table Configuration Array) types, further simplifying the process of defining data structures and interfaces.

Beyond the spotlight on major features, TYPO3 v12's charm lies in its attention to the finer details. Oliver Bartsch's insightful discourse on the TYPO New API brought to the forefront these invaluable "little gems."

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TYPO3 Coding Nights 2023 ,this dynamic event that saw the convergence of brilliance, innovation, and camaraderie. Bringing together a vibrant spectrum of talent, the night was illuminated by the collective energy of TYPO3 developers and dedicated members from various GmbHs.

Beyond the lines of code, this night resonated with the essence of community-driven progress, reminding us all of the boundless possibilities that arise when like-minded individuals gather to create something truly exceptional.

Boosting Performance : Discovering Power of varnish in TYPO3

an enlightening discourse led by the esteemed Sascha Nowak , In an era Nowak's presentation promises to unveil the hidden potential within TYPO3 through the strategic application of Varnish caching. 

During the presentation, Sascha Nowak introduced an innovative Varnish extension designed exclusively for TYPO3 (available at This groundbreaking extension comes with robust support for Edge Side Includes (ESI), a feature that simplifies the integration of dynamic content into static pages.

20 Years of TYPO3 Hosting : Performance, Security, Reliability with Jochen Weiland

Jochen Weiland's presentation, "Performance - Security - Reliability," takes you on a two-decade journey through TYPO3 hosting wisdom. He explores the crucial elements of hosting: optimising performance, ensuring security, and maintaining reliability. Weiland's insights, based on real-world experience, offer actionable strategies and best practices.

Session on How to Enhance your Custom TCA

When configuring backend fields using TCA, TYPO3 provides a range of field types to choose from. Yet, there are instances where content demands tailored preparation for editors. This is precisely where the implementation of personalised renderTypes proves invaluable.

Frank Berger showcased the realm of possibilities within this domain, illustrating everything from rendering Base64 images to presenting informative sheets in a structured table format.

More From Day 2

From the session led by Benjamin Kott on "State of CSS 2023," participants gained insight into the latest developments and trends in the CSS landscape.

CSP Presentation by  Oliver Hader

During his presentation, Oliver Hader, the driving force behind the implementation, not only introduced the Content Security Policy (CSP) and its fresh configurations, but also posed significant inquiries. He encouraged fellow developers to consider the practical application of CSP. The valuable insights shared by developers will play a pivotal role in refining and expanding the new CSP feature for TYPO3 v13, ensuring its effectiveness and accuracy.

View Full session at CSP Presentation by Oliver Hader

T3DD23's Lasting Moments

Day 3 was packed with enriching sessions. Stefan Bürk demystified the TYPO3 testing-framework, offering a roadmap and upgrade guide. Abramo Tesoro showcased a WCAG-compliant TYPO3 site package for Italian public administration in his talk.

The event ended on a bittersweet note with "Goodbye T3DD23," reflecting on the memorable experiences shared. The "Best Talk Awards" celebrated standout speakers and sessions that left a mark on TYPO3 Developer Days 2023.

TYPO3 Developer Days 2023 came to a close, leaving behind a trail of innovation and connections. The event was marked by insightful sessions, impactful discussions, and a vibrant community spirit. Attendees departed with renewed enthusiasm and a wealth of new knowledge, setting the stage for an exciting future in TYPO3 development.

Want to Know more about TYPO3 Developer Days -

Happy TYPO3 reading !

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