Built TYPO3 Website for Weikersheim with TYPO3 v11



TYPO3 Version


TYPO3 Extension



About Weikersheim 

Weikersheim is a city known for its historic Renaissance castle and beautiful old town. Located near Hemsbach, Weikersheim is famous for the beauty of its castle and ancient heritage. The city's charm lies in its well-preserved historical sites and picturesque streets.

Words From Our Customers

Frederik Ventzke

Frederik Ventzke


NITSAN is a great team of developers. We have been working together successfully for over 4 years and have already got to know each other personally. Communication and quality deserve special mention. We recommend!

Project requirement of Weikersheim

Weikersheim needs a website that can easily share city news, insights, and events. This website will be a central place for information, making it easy for everyone to stay updated and connected. Whether you want to explore the city's rich history or keep up with local events, this new website will be a valuable resource for everyone.

Requirements by City administration of Weikersheim

  • Implement User Centric News System
  • Display City Event with Event Calendar module 
  • Create a City Accommodation & Hotel Booking System
  • Provide easy navigation structure with advanced search Functionality
  • Add stunning Visuals and intuitive Design for better information showcase
  • Implement Event based location finder function
  • Provide backend Flexibility for Content management

Fulfilling Weikersheim Custom TYPO3 Needs 

We offered Weikersheim a user-centretic TYPO3 website that allows them to share city news, insights, and events. It features an event calendar, a hotel/palace booking system, easy navigation, and stunning visuals. We also developed an event location finder and ensured compatibility with the current TYPO3 version.

Unified Event Calendar

Unified Event Calendar

The administrators of Weikersheim sought to enhance their online presence by providing a platform where they could share upcoming events and allow tourists to find events based on location.meet this website requirement, we developed a custom extension location finder. This extension enables users to easily locate events directly from the website.

We offer following solution 

  • Developed FAF_Locations for Easy location finding
  • Developed FAF_Events for better event showcase
  • Provide Event Date range selections
  • Easy event listing structure
Interactive News System

Interactive News System

The primary focus was to create a website that effectively displays city insights and news to users. The website features an interactive and well-structured design that allows the city administration team to easily share the latest news and reports directly on the site. To fulfil this custom requirement, we implemented the TYPO3 news system extension. This extension empowers administrators to share and list current and latest insights on the website with just a few steps.

booking Component rental

Build Rental Booking Component 

The Weikersheim administration team identified a need for a user-friendly system for tourists and travellers to book accommodations within the city. To address this requirement, we implemented a City Accommodation Booking System. This system allows users to search and book accommodations based on their preferred location and selection criteria.

Interactive Web Experience

Interactive Web Experience

The website needs a customised TYPO3 theme that makes the city's website more interactive and visually captivating with a component-based system to display city insights. We addressed these specific requirements by offering the following solutions:

  • Custom ns_theme_weikersheim for better website templating
  • Added ns_basetheme 
  • Integrated Container Content Elements
Easy-to-Use TYPO3 Backend

Easy-to-Use TYPO3 Backend

As the primary requirement of the website is to share content and city information, a flexible backend is essential where teams can easily edit, share, and integrate content. We provided an editor-friendly backend with the following options:

  • Edit & View Page Property 
  • TYPO3 Backend Preview Options
  • Custom Header & Footer Selection options
  • TYPO3 Backend Manual for easy editing