[T3EXT DAY] TYPO3 Comment Plugin for EXT:news

Do you want to smoothly integrate comment feature in your favorite News extension? In this extension, there are features like post comment, reply to comment, multi-level comment thread, moderation etc., Know more from extension manual.

[T3EXT DAY] TYPO3 Comment Plugin for EXT:news

What it is ?

It is an extension that facilitates visitor to post comment on a specific news, answer to the comments. Comments are the ideal way to deal and stay in touch with your visitors and adherences.

And this Comments extension will help your visitors to post a comments on news.

3. Backend-Ansicht nach der Plug-in-Installation

3.1 Erweiterung über Composer holen

Verwenden der Befehlszeile


composer require nitsan/ns-news-comments:dev-master


3.2 Holen Sie sich die Erweiterung

Schritt 1: Wechseln Sie in das Modul "Extension Manager".

Schritt 2: Holen Sie sich die Erweiterung.

  • Holen Sie sie aus dem Erweiterungsmanager: Drücken Sie die Schaltfläche "Abrufen/Aktualisieren" und suchen Sie nach dem Erweiterungsschlüssel "ns_news_comments" und importieren Sie die Erweiterung aus dem Repository.
  • Holen Sie es von typo3.org: Sie können immer die aktuelle Version von https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/ns_news_comments/ beziehen, indem Sie entweder die t3x- oder die zip-Version herunterladen. Laden Sie die Datei anschließend im Extension Manager hoch.

Schritt 3: Installieren Sie nun die Erweiterung.

What does it do?

TYPO3 comment plugin for EXT:news is very easy to use, before we tell you the installation process of  adding comments to your news page lets have a look at its rich features:

  • Based on extbase & fluid.
  • Easy to use.
  • User can post comments on news.
  • Captcha Verification.
  • AJAX form submit.
  • Responsive comments form and comment threads design.
  • Multi-level (nested) comment threads
  • Manage Comments from TYPO3 Backend
  • Comment Approval by site Admin.
  • Send notification to site admin by posting a new comment.
  • Compatibiltiy from TYPO3 6.x to 9.x
  • [TASK] Added feature that allows fe_users to directly add the comments (without asking Name and Email).

Warning : A quote about EXT:ns_news_comments: News comment TYPO3 extension going to be placed on detail page of the News. So, It is highly recommended to integrate News System Extension first. And configure this extension at News Detail page only.

1. Front-end view after plug-in installation

News comment form

News comment listing

News comment reply form

2. Overview of extension

Extension Key:ns_news_comments
Extension URL:https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/ns_news_comments/

3. Back-end view after plug-in installation

3.1 Get extension via composer

Using the command line


composer require nitsan/ns-news-comments:dev-master


3.2 Get the extension

Step 1: Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.

Step 2: Get the extension.

  • Get it from the Extension Manager: Press the “Retrieve/Update” button and search for the extension key 'ns_news_comments' and import the extension from the repository.
  • Get it from typo3.org: You can always get current version from https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/ns_news_comments/ by downloading either the t3x or zip version. Upload the file afterwards in the Extension Manager.

Step 3: Now install the Extension.

3.3 Activate the TypoScript

The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.

Step 1: Go to Template Module.

Step 2: Switch to Root page.

Step 3: Select Info/Modify option from drop-down.

Step 4: Click on Edit the whole template record button.

Step 5: Switch to Includes tab and add News Comment (ns_news_comment) extension to Selected Items list in Include static (from extensions): section

3.4 Configuration

Step 1: Configure Extension Constants.

Step 1.1: Switch to the root page of your site.

Step 1.2: Switch to the Template module.

Step 1.3: Select Constant Editor from drop-down.

Step 1.4: Select Category - PLUGIN.TX_NSNEWSCOMMENTS (12)

Step 1.5: Configure all the fields.

Step 2: Configure Plugin.

Configure Plugins as per your requirements.

Step 3: Enable Captcha

If you want to use captcha in your site than you should enable .htaccess file which is placed in Private folder of this extension.

3.5 News Comment Listing At Backend

Step 1: Go to module “News Administration”.

Step 2: Go to News Storage folder/page.

Step 3: Edit any News Record.

Step 4: Switch to Comments tab.

Step 5: Check all the comments for the current News.

4. Cache clearing

Please use the buttons Flush frontend caches and Flush general caches from the top panel. The Clear cache function of the install tool will also work perfectly.

5. Additional Feature[fe_user Configuration]

[TASK] Added feature that allows fe_users to directly add the comments (without asking Name and Email).

Step 1: Backend Configuration of fe_user

Step 2: Frontend User of fe_user

6. Support


  • TYPO3 Developer: Bhavin Barad
  • Frontend Integrator: Mehul Nimavat
  • QA Tester: Siddharth Sheth

Feedback & Suggestions

Just download & try the EXT:ns_news_comments extension. You can write down your feedback/suggestion/comments to below comment box. So, we will adapt it for next version of EXT:ns_news_comments.

Have a Happy Comments :)

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