TYPO3.Inc - One of the Historical Step into TYPO3 Community!

At 6th April 2016, One of the Historical & Amazing steps has been taken with finalizing into TYPO3 Community with TYPO3 Inc. Most of the Members of TYPO3 Association has been voted in favor of TYPO3 Inc.

TYPO3.Inc - One of the Historical Step into TYPO3 Community!

The TYPO3 at International CMS Market

TYPO3 is one of the oldest (almost 15+ years) CMS into the world of PHP - Open Source, But it’s not much popular in concern of International Platform as like Drupal, WordPress etc., Of course - TYPO3 is always the hidden champion with Enterprise CMS :)

TYPO3 Inc. has been born

“Abusing Business to empower our cause: TYPO3 Inc.” In April 2015 the General Assembly of the TYPO3 Association finalize to start preparation of TYPO3 Inc., After that TYPO3 Inc team like Alain, Matthias started to prepare detailed draft & business planning for TYPO3 Inc with lots hard working & efforts on analysis & research on the CMS Market. There are numerous things which required to think from scratch like Key problems, Changing markets, Study on different CMS into Market, Business & Organization model, Growth plan & many others.

Why TYPO3 Inc? (Key Reason)

  • Quick discussion & decision action
  • Stable & High quality development of TYPO3
  • Full/Part time development of TYPO3
  • Generate more money
  • Marketing & PR

Goals of TYPO3 Inc

  • Involve number of People (Integrators, Hosters, Consultants, Ad-Agencies)
  • Improve Ecosystem
  • Handle commercial & operational part of TYPO3 Association
  • Keep our values & good spirit
  • Increase Market share
  • Increase confidence in products
  • Leading position at Open source CMS market
  • Number of TYPO3 Events

TYPO3 Inc Team

It’s time to be involve, participate & contribute into TYPO3 to make great CMS ever.

Next on TYPO3 TYPO3 Inc.

In upcoming of Months, the team of TYPO3 Inc - Matthias Schreiber, Benni Mack and Alain Veuve will create concrete foundation of this great Start-up!

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